I absolutely love Fall and all that this cooler season brings with it but I hate being cold or chilled. I am having my children go through their closets to be sure that they have Fall wardrobe items that still fit! Since it’s my birthday season I am creating a list of items that I would like to add to my Fall wardrobe as well. I do not want to wimp out this season because I do not have the proper layers in my Fall wardrobe to be able to enjoy the outdoors!
I am wearing a fleece lined beanie from Cache Alaska that just happened to match my purple zippered vest (you can find a similar one from Port Authority).
Here’s a list of clothing items for Fall that are on my wishlist. See if you own all of them or have suggestions for other items not listed.
1. Sturdy Waterproof Hiking Boots
Wet feet and blisters are no fun and the quickest way to end an outdoor adventure or nature play session. I am overdue for a new pair of hiking boots which I usually buy in the men’s department at Walmart on clearance. I like my boots to fit without being too narrow so women’s do not fit the bill when you add a nice thick pair of socks.
2. Wool Socks
I have only had 1 or 2 pairs and have since gotten holes in them or worn them too thin to keep my feet warm. Taller boot socks are a must to add a layer in your spring rain boots before the cold of winter sets in and you need to switch over to winter boots. You can read all about my favorite brand of rain boots here: Fall Rainboot Outfit. ( I still own and wear my Nomad rainboots!)
These are not completely finger-less but are more of a convertible style so that you can open up a nature tackle box or magnifying bug box more easily and not have to remove your gloves entirely.
I have made the mistake too many times of wearing a plain long sleeve shirt and started to get sweating after hiking or playing outdoors. Then of course I start to get chilled because of the moisture! I own a wicking short sleeve shirt and usually wear it for Summer excursions. I just found a Danskin moisture Wicking long sleeved shirt at Goodwill for .99!
I snagged a super cute purple puffy vest with pockets from a garage sale super cheap and the tags were still on the garment! Keeping your core warm helps to keep you outside longer because you can adjust your temperature be easily zipping or unzipping the vest. If you really get cold easily then you might consider a fleece vest but I tend to get way too hot in them personally.
6. Warm Beanie
I own a nice purple beanie but am seriously considering a beanie with a headlamp or a beanie with Bluetooth speakers. I would use the beanie with the headlight for checking on the dogs in the backyard or for taking out the trash at night. The beanie with speakers would be awesome to listen to an audiobook while doing Fall garden cleanup.
7. Day Pack or Hydration Pack
Depending on how long you plan to be outside and how far from home you will be would determine which type of pack you would need. I have an old backpack with lots of zippered pockets that I take on longer hiking trips or if I am farther from home. My sweet daughter bought me a very nice 40L backpack which is super awesome and includes a hydration pack!
If you are looking for inexpensive hiking gear check out my list of budget friendly hiking gear under $20.
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