I love seeing bright flowers in the Summer and have loved growing Purple Coneflowers to feed pollinators. Usually bees are the first to come to mind when I hear the word pollinators BUT there are many others. If you haven’t guessed this month’s Nature Book Club theme is pollinators!
We have been learning a lot about bees and pollinators as part of our Botany class. We had planned to visit another homeschool family that have a son who is a beekeeper but the weather and our schedule have not cooperated so far. We want to continue to go on Botany Field Trips and share our experiences when we can.
Places for Observing Pollinators
If you do not have a garden or many flowers at your house then you might need a list of places to go in order to watch pollinators.
- City Park that is nicely landscaped
- Botanical Garden which offers a wide array of plants
- Prairie or Farm Fields having plants and flowering weeds
- Science Center or Museum that offers insect display
- Nursery that grows flowers and vegetables
- Small Organic Farm
- Nature Center with indoor and outdoor learning stations
- State Park or National Park
Observing Pollinators at Home
Last year we had a Burdock plant that I allowed to grow in our garden just so I could take pictures and document the growth of the flowers and the visiting pollinators.
I was very surprised at the variety of pollinators that visit our “city yard” each year looking for nectar. Of course when I went looking through my photos I cannot seem to locate any in focus besides a monarch butterfly.
Welcome to Nature Book Club Monthly Link Up Mo. 19
July’s theme for #NatureBookClub is Pollinators
Be sure to check out the other Co-hosts as they share pollinator activities, crafts and projects! I know it might be hard to choose just one post of pollinators to share so do not worry you can share up to 3 posts in the link up below!
The Bee Tree Notebooking Pages from Jenny
at Faith & Good Works
Flapping Butterfly Craft from Karyn
at Teach Beside Me
Little Bea Online Book Club from Dachelle
at Hide The Chocolate
Visit with an Apiculturalist from Eva
at Eva Varga
All About Honey Bee Unit Study Resources from Jenny
at Homeschool Educational Free Market

Link Up Guidelines
- Choose an engaging nature book, do a craft or activity, and add your post to our monthly link up.
- The link up party goes live at 9:00 a.m. EST on the 20th of each month and stays open until the last day of the month. Hurry to add your links!
- You can link up to 3 posts. Please do not link up advertising posts, advertise other link up parties, your store, or non-related blog posts. They will be removed.
- By linking up with us, you agree for us to share your images and give you credit of course if we feature posts.
Also, join our Nature Book Club Facebook Group!
Nature Book Club theme for August is Biomes, Ecosystems and Habitats
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