As I journey on this path of herbal learning I thought I should share some tips and trick along the way. The first thing I want to share is how to prepare to make herbal remedies. You are probably thinking plant identification would be first, but not for me. I will challenge you to gather your supplies first and then learn about plants.
First, start collecting glass jars. You will need all sorts of jars to store your dried herbs, infused oils, tinctures, syrups,etc. Since you are a novice like me and probably on a budget you won’t be able to go buy everything you need. Start saving baby food jars, spaghetti jars, pickle jars, maraschino cherry jars, relish jars, etc. Ask you friends and family to save their jars for you as well.
How many jars will you need? This depends on the number of herbs you have to work with. If you are growing them or if you wild harvest them you might have a little more time to play around. If you buy some bulk herbs then you will want a place to store them instead of the bags they come in. I would say you will need three jars for each herb. Now don’t freak out on me. This is why you need so many jars. You will need a larger jar for dried herbs (pickle or spaghetti), medium (pint sized) jar for oil infusions or vinegars and small (baby food 4-6 oz.) for tinctures.
Once you have your collection of jar you will want to learn How to Prepare your Glass Jars for Herbal Remedies. So hop on over and read that post with tips and tricks for cleaning your glass jars.
We will discuss collecting herbs, drying herbs, and plant identification in other posts. For now check out some herb books or plant ID books from your local library. Until next time happy herb learning.
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