Today I am going to share with you some ways to prepare your collection of jars for herbal remedies. Since you may have had your bag of jars sitting around you will need to wash them. Remember when I told you to start saving your spaghetti, relish, and pickle jars? Remember when I suggested you ask your friends and family to save jars for you? Well, now is the time to dig that stash of jars out and put them to good use!
Do your jars have old food labels on them? Try soaking them in a sink of hot soapy water sometimes this will do the trick. If they have soaked and still have sticky residue then I have a tip for you. OIL. Grab some oil, doesn’t matter what kind, and rub or spray onto the sticky residue. Allow your jars to sit for 30 minutes to 2 hours. I used a drink holder from a fast food restaurant so my jars didn’t roll away and get oil everywhere.