Hookin’ The Legal Way Etsy Shop
Lauren Frank
Hi, I’m Lauren and I own the Etsy shop Hookin’ {the legal way}. I am a self taught hooker {the legal kind…as in crocheting…hence the shop name}. I started teaching myself as a teen & fell in love with it! My mom is a knitter and as hard as I tried to learn it {ok. I didn’t try that hard} I just couldn’t get the hang of the whole two needle thing. Since I taught myself how to crochet {this was before there were a million tutorials up on YouTube}, I mainly stuck to blankets and scarves since they were the easiest things to make…until I got pregnant later on in life.
Once I had my baby girl, I was a crocheting machine! I YouTubed every crochet bootie & hat tutorial and quickly learned how to do more and more stitches. I was soon able to crochet a whole bunch of baby items…and I did! Being that my daughter doesn’t need 20 hats or 12 pairs of booties…I decided to open up shop. You might know my shop as Crocheting for Baby, but since I started buying more patterns for adult items I just recently changed my shop name since my items will soon be a mix of baby, toddler, teen & adult crochet wear.
I put the same love and care into making each item sold that I do when I make things for my daughter {or myself}.
You can also find be in blogland as Tutus & Tea Parties where I blog about parenting, teaching & crafting! I even post some crochet patterns every now and again. I’d love for you to stop on by and say hello {I don’t bite…promise}!
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Please be sure to join us December 10-17 during the Fashion Week Giveaway in order to win a prize from Hookin’ {The Legal Way} Etsy shop along with over 25 more designers!