Well, I belong to a group online that has tons of awesome resources (it’s Prairie Primer Pluses yahoo group) and I belong to another group Prairie Primer Homeschool Support on Facebook.
So on to my FREE Little House on the Prairie and Prairie Primer resources
1. Lapbooking- Literature based for all LHP books, Grey Wolf, Horses
2. Notebooking- Practical Pages: Big Woods Notebook,
3. Unit Studies- Homeschoolingon a Shoestring, Easy Fun School, The Home School Mom, Pioneer Unit Study, Pioneer and Native Americans, Bee Unit Study, Bears, Cow Facts, Owls, Westward Expansion, Wolves, Apples, Midwest States:corn belt/sodhouse/tornado alley, Pony Express/GoldRush/Railroad, Plains Tribes
4. Online Video resources- Early Americans, Fun with History
5. Reports- Animal Science Unit,
6. Pinterest- my Little House/Pioneer/Prairie Primer board
7. Recipes- loads found on Prairie Primer Pluses yahoo group, LHP Official Book site, Pioneer and Log Cabin recipes, Heritage Recipes
8. Music/Games- Pioneer Games,
9. Famous People– Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Fanny Crosby, Noah Webster
10. Blogs using LHP or PP- A Plain and Simple Homeschool, The Crafty Crow, School At Home, We Love Prairie Primer
How about a FREE and Frugal Homeschool Planner to help plan your use of LHP or PP?
Free Printable Calendar to highlight days of Co-op or fieldtrips- got that too:)
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