July 2, 2012
Okay, I know everyone would say that about their own kids, BUT today my kids demonstrated just how awesome they are. I left them outside while Lil’ Red was splashing in the crab and sliding down the make shift water slide that Princess Dynamo made. I left Eldest in charge of keeping everyone safe.
I ran inside to print out the Blog planner I had just read about on Money Saving Mom. I couldn’t do it on my Nextbook so off to the desktop. I was just getting ready to print off a section when Eldest came in saying that Lil’Red wanted to come in. I said I would be out as soon as I put extra paper in the printer and set up the pages I wanted to start with. (I just couldn’t bring myself to print all 63 pages. I’m a strict budgetor and we need to conserve ink for homeschool.) I added paper to printer and then heard Princess Dynamo and Lil’ Red inside!
All was good. Lil’ Red was stripped down and Princess was getting him ready to be diapered and dressed on the crib. Eldest was providing the needed backup- he went and got his sis a fresh change of clothes since she was busy with the baby!
WOW, now that is awesome. I started to help fasten the diaper and was gently scooted out of the way by Princess. I was given the opportunity to run water clothes outside to dry in this 95 degree heat wave, lol.
I am still listening to my printer print the blog planner as I finish this. Well, until I typed the last sentence that is. Now the printer is finished. Kids all dry and it’s time to think about dinner and future blog posts.