And Baby Makes Six!
Okay, so those of you on facebook or who know me in real-life aren’t surprised by this, but some of you missed the “memo” we had a baby. You my loyal readers and new readers alike I would like to officially announce the birth of our third son and youngest child which makes four children. Today he is 7 weeks old! Sorry for keeping him a “secret”.
Still trying to figure out his official blog name, but for now we will call him Baby C-4! He was born on his due date way back on August 21 weighing in at 7 lbs. 8 oz. and measuring at least 20″. Yep, you read that right! The nurse could not get him to stretch out straight. He has red hair just like I called it. (More like his Aunt Amy’s than Lil’ Red’s!) I do not want to spill more birth details since I plan on writing a post about birth story details.
We now have Eldest who is 10 1/2 yrs., Princess who is 9 yrs., Lil’ Red who is almost 3 1/2 yrs., and Baby C-4 who is almost 2 months old!
We are Now a Family of Six!
The Good about 6 Family members:
1- We now have birthed grandchildren #1, #2, #7, and #8 on my side of the family. (Time for younger sis to add to the role:)
2- We make our own “party” at some local restaurants. This means we will get booth seating more often:)
3- We now only need another family of 4 to get group discounts at museums and amusement parks.
The Not-so-Good about 6 Family members:
1- We have now outgrown hubby’s 5 seater car! When his car bites it we will probably check out a used 8 seater’s since my van is over 20 yrs. old.
2-We make our own “party” at some local restaurants. YES, I listed it both places. While it will be more likely for us to get a booth it also means we may have to wait longer or call ahead. We may also not be able to sit with grandparents and friends as easily either. I’m sure other “BIG” families know what I mean.
3- Holidays and Birthdays can become a little more expensive if we don’t plan ahead and use coupons.
4- We now only have 1 “extra” vehicle seat so both aunt and uncle can no longer ride with us:(