Great Resources for Homeschool:
Sometimes I find some really great resources online for homeschool. I save them to my pc if they are pdf’s, but when I go to share them later it is not always easy to find the origimal source for them. So this is a list of really great places to find research info., reports, book reports, and graphic organizers. Some of these I have printed and plan on sharing with our LHP/PP/Pioneer Co-op this fall. Others are just for our families reference (in case we need them.) Still thought it might be of help to other homeschool families and worth the time to track down links and share!
Super cute mini-reports, flip-report, and grahic organizers for history and science:
I like the mini-reports for animals.
Research Organizers and Report Packs
Nature Journals from Notebooking Fairy
Book Report Forms:
For all sorts of book- Fiction, FairyTale, Biography,Historical Novel, Jokes/Riddles,etc.
Young Reader and Older Reader Forms
Book Report Form and Reading Log from Jolanthe
Student Planners:
Character/Bible Studies:
Confessions of a Homeschooler free Bible printables- character studies
Kid’s World Bible Study Videos from The Mailbox Club
The Children’s Chapel Coloring Pages
All sorts of Bible resources- Coloring pages, Copywork, Seeds of Worship pages, File Folder Games
Science/Animal Study:
Expedition Earth From Confessions of a Homeschooler
Why Nature Walks? by Cultivated Lives
Literature Units:
FIAR from Homeschool Creations
Back-to-School Helps:
Lunch Box Planner– great ideas for planning out lunches.
Homeschool Planner– 1st page does have Mormon verse/quote
Homeschooling for FREE and Frugal ebook by Holy-Spirit Led Homeschooling
Planning Binder– tons of great forms free for personal use!
Blog resources:
How to Create Blog Notebook– great ideas