No Time to Blog: Sledding 2012
Well, we were busy sledding today so no long blog post. No super wonderful recipe or craft idea. No well wishes for 2013. No goals reveal. No new giveaway. YES, those all will be coming soon I promise. Some really great things are in the works, but for today just enjoy this collage of us sledding.
Lil’ Red rode the sled all by himself. I should have had someone ride down ahead of him to get a picture of his face. He enjoyed it even though he tipped over at the end. Eldest ran down the hill after him to be sure he was safe!
Lots of single sledding and double sledding. We dug out our old-fashioned wooden sled and realized we really need a 3rd sled so we can enjoy more sledding and less waiting! Maybe we will borrow another wooden sled from my parents when we go over there to visit our cousins from Texas!