Since I have had four babies and we are just about out of the diaper stage, hallelujah, I thought I would share some tips for packing a diaper bag. I know that this may sound silly or super simple to some but it’s always great to hear what an experienced mom would pack in her diaper bag.
Pick the Diaper Bag Style:
A few different diaper bag styles to consider: Backpack, Over-the Shoulder or Slingbag types. If you are like me and more of a “plan for the unexpected” type of mom then you will carry a little more in your diaper bag but will be prepared for ANYTHING! When you only have one baby in diapers you can use a smaller bag, possibly even the freebie sling bag that the hospitals used to give out! I still have mine, well actually I had found a few from another mom on freecycle who wasn’t going to use the slingbag type- total budget score. You see I am not the big bag or super bold pink for a girl or blue for a boy kinda diaper bag gal. And what dad do you know wants to carry around a bright colored bulky bag.
When we had two in diapers way back when Eldest and Princess were both toddlers I had a larger diaper bag. I needed a much bigger diaper bag to accommodate two sizes of diapers and clothes for both children.
Inside the Diaper Bag:
- Water proof pouch
- Changing Pad
- Wipes Container
- Change of clothes
- Diapers
- Snack for nursing mom
- Teething tabs, Teething Necklace and baby snacks
- Wallet
I have a waterproof zippered pouch which came with one of the diapers bags from the past that I still use today! Inside this pouch holds- sample packs of baby lotion, baby wash, baby shampoo, some sort of diaper rash cream, thermometer, band-aids, nail clippers, and a baby nail file. I love how the pouch will keep all lotions and creams from leaking into other parts of the diaper bag. We found that buying the larger bag of wipes to refill the wipes tub gave us a nice bag to store an extra change of clothes. When you change a pucky or poopy baby having that plastic bag is a bonus.
Front Zip Pocket:
- Mom’s feminine supplies
- Chapstick
Side Mesh Pouch:
- Hand Sanitizer
- Plastic Bib
- Small piece of rope
- Chapstick
- Mini Composition Notebook
- Mini tin of mints
I have a slew of odds and ends that have been added over time. Lil’ Red just turned 3 years old in August and he is our 4th baby. The small piece of rope is for older children to learn knot tying and is too small to pose a strangulation hazard- I promise! I rarely use the hand sanitizer as I opt for good old soap and water if available. The mini composition book and a small pen has come in handy many times! You just never know when you need to jot down something to remember or if your child will ask to write or draw something. Nobody wants to have bad breath but what mom really has time to brush her teeth every time she is about to leave the house? Mints to the rescue!
What about you? What do you have in your diaper bag? What do you plan to add to it after reading my list?
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