Have you ever wondered some tips for visiting a butterfly house? We went last year to the Butterfly House at Perry’s Cave and Family Fun Center on Put-In-Bay, Ohio. This particular house did not have native butterflies but some very exotic tropical species.
Dress for the Weather
If you visit a Butterfly House that is native to your area the temperature should be the same as outside. If you visit a Tropical Butterfly Garden then the temperature will be HOT!
Follow the Rules
Often times in a large greenhouse aka Butterfly House there’s a specified path area for you to walk without disturbing the wildlife.
Meeting a Butterfly
You may or may NOT get landed on! Prepare your child for up close visits if they are fearful of “bugs”. Big Red wanted a butterfly to land on him SOOO badly that he stood still for almost 5 whole minutes! See that one fly by behind him!

Look but Don’t Touch
Butterflies are very delicate and can be damaged very easily. If you want to view them up close then bring a magnifying glass or a small pair of binoculars.

Bring your Camera
This is a great opportunity to capture some unique pictures of caterpillars, chrysalis, and butterflies that you won’t want to miss out on! Princess had to hold really still in order to take some pictures of the butterflies.

Ask Questions if a Guide is Available
Talk about basic butterfly information ahead of time and help your child think of a few questions to ask. Be having a few prepared it will enrich your educational experience even more.
More Butterfly Post Ideas:
Find the Letter B is for Butterflies from 3 Boys and a Dog
DIY Ruffle Butterfly Bookmark from Living Ideas
Butterfly Life Cycle for Kids (Free Printables) from The Natural Homeschool
LEGO butterflies from Planet Smarty Pants
Easy Kid Craft: Colorful Spring Butterfly Suncatcher from Crafty Mama in ME
Where to see Butterflies in Nature from FrogMom
Cupcake Liner Butterfly Craft from Raising Little Superheroes
Butterfly Science from Schooling a Monkey
Butterfly Books for Children from The Jenny Evolution
How to Meet a Butterfly from Bambini Travel
Butterfly Sensory Painting from Parenting Chaos
Planting a Butterfly Garden from Our Daily Craft
Butterfly Sensory Bin with Scavenger Hunt and Life Cycle Activities {Free Printables} from Living Montessori Now
Butterfly DIY Window Clings from Gym Craft Laundry
Exploring Butterfly Wing Patterns from CraftCreateCalm
Butterfly I Spy Game from Simple Fun for Kids
Life Cycle of a Butterfly Worksheet from Living Life and Learning
Marshmallow Stamping Butterflys & Other Bug {with free printables} from Play Dough & Popsicles
Preschool Butterfly Songs from Preschool Powol Packets
How to Raise a Butterfly {with Free Butterfly Journal} from Books and Giggles
Colorful Butterfly Symmetry Paintings from Artsy Momma
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