My biggest parenting issue right now is when mommy wakes up most days so does the baby. Yes, we bed share and this is for my sleep and sanity. So much easier to nurse at night with baby right next to me. Daddy and big siblings get more sleep since baby usually does not cry at night. Teething or having a cold brings on some fussing but a much more manageable amount.
I am sitting in “my chair” in the livingroom with Lil’ Red nursing while everyone else is asleep. It is 8:10 am. So yes I got to sleep in but I also would like a cup of coffee and a chance to pee! Haha. I have to take the baby to the bathroom and convince him to sit on a stool while I potty and NOT scream hysterically.
Hubby is already out the door for work and probably sitting in his office checking his emails or heading to an early meeting. I try to decide how much “work” I can get done or if I should just start some household chores to make the day go more smoothly. I get baby asleep and lay him back in bed while I sneak out of the room. He snuggles up near Big Red which helps both sleep a little while longer.
I decide to wash the mountain of dishes that Eldest forgot to do last night. This will get them air drying so he can put away after breakfast before we start school. We do use styrofoam or paper plates sometimes daily just to help keep some sanity. I am not dressed which I need to get better at!
Lil’ Red and Big Red appear in the kitchen. Big Red wants his traditional bowl of cereal with a new twist. He wants Fruit Loops topped with Peanut Butter Crunch. What a crazy combination. I think Eldest or Princess must have suggested this the day before. I pick up Lil’ Red and strap him into his seat and adjust his tray. He is given 4 or 5 raisins and a couple of animal crackers. He is not into much of anything besides finger food and breastmilk.
Princess usually pops out of bed shortly after “The Reds” are up and eating. She sometimes eats first and other days she check the weather on my laptop and gets dressed first. I try to catch her to remind her if she is to wear her “not favorite” clothes or if she can wear anything that day.
Eldest usually has to be drug out of bed sometimes literally as late as 10:30am. Since I want to have them participate in field trips I expect him out of bed around 9:00 am. I will let him have time to wake up and go back in to remind him to wake up. Sometimes I just drop off Lil’ Red to help wake up bubby.
Well, some days go very well and other days not so much. You can see having four very different children with different temperaments can be quite the challenge. I’ve shared one of my parenting challenges what about you. Do you have a parenting story that is a struggle for you now?
If you enjoyed this post you may also enjoy one of my other parenting posts. In this great resource I highlight posts about breastfeeding, teething tips, Diabetes Diagnosis, Preparing for Labor and Delivery and many more controversial and useful tips:
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