Since this is the third week of September and Labor Day is now past say Goodbye Summer and Hello Fall. I am going to share some pics of what we did this past week or so just to give you a little more glimpse of our lives as we start a new homeschool year.
Just a few days ago, right at the start of a 90+ degree heat wave, Princess said, “I just wish it was Fall since I have lots of new clothes to wear from my birthday.” I told her soon enough if will be cool enough to at least wear jeans. She is my little fashion plate and has very good style sense. She has done her own hair for the most part since she was 5 or 6 which puts her mom’s attempts at style to shame,lol.
We spent Labor Day weekend trying to put together a spontaneous vacation which ended up very lack luster when the weather that was supposed to be in the 70’s be mid 90’s instead. No zoo. No Renaissance Festival. We went to Wegerzyn Children’s Garden and stayed in a hotel instead. Then instead of going to the art museum we came home early cause Mom and Dad got some sort of stomach bug-ack!
We started school off with the kids Back to School packs even though mom wasn’t nearly as ready as she had hoped to be. We have curriculum we are reviewing and we are still trying to get onto a schedule of PC work, independent work, and group work. Keeping the little guys busy can still be a challenge when mom wants to get some work done.
The first week of school we tried to head outside first thing and work on Science/Art while the temperatures were decent. We have discovered that watching Praying Mantis, Butterflies, and Cicadas can be great fun. I also found s few super cute little scientists!
Princess was complaining about blurry vision and headaches. I was noticing a change in my vision as well so off to the eye doctor we went! Both got new glasses but we had to be sure they were stylish. Thank goodness for insurance or we would have paid over $800 for two pairs of glasses plus lens.
No wonder I feel like we are in a tailspin,lol. All these pictures were taken over the course of a week and they do not even include the apple picking, applesauce canning, and apple butter making!
What a wonderful summer! I loved getting to see the fun things you did!