Welcome back to Day 3 of our grueling adventure of discovering our oldest son has Type 1 Diabetes. He was settled into the PICU for 3 days for the critical care and round the clock monitoring to get his levels regulated. His blood sugar levels were off the charts, meaning a regular blood glucose meter could not take an accurate reading. This resulted in hourly blood work done by the lab tech until his BG was under 350. He had various IV fluids due to severe dehydration and his potassium, sodium, etc were not right. We got very little sleep with the nurse in his room almost constantly for the first 3-4 hours checking vitals, measuring urine output, checking on the alarms that seemed to go off quite frequently, etc. This was quite nerve-racking to be within five feet of your child and NOT really be able to do anything for him. Just hold his hand during labs and be sure he knew we were there although he was sedated to help keep all the tubes and lines in place.